countertop carbonated water dispenser

How to Choose a Sparkling Water Machine for Office

How to Choose a Sparkling Water Machine for Office

The best sparkling water machine for office must have some basic features for easy usability. When searching for a high-quality sparkling water dispensing unit, you must be on the lookout for those features.

So, what are those features you should be looking for when considering a sparkling water system for office? User-friendliness, power consumption, carbonation regulator and others are some of the features you should expect to see in any reputable sparkling water machine. We will look into all the features in the course of this post. The first feature you should look for is;

Carbonation Regulation

The main reason for using a sparkling water machine for office is to drink carbonated water. The bubbly or fizzy water is what the owner of the unit expects to get at the end of the day.

Are There Any Special Benefits for Drinking Carbonated Water? Does it Benefit Employees in Any Way? Yes, there are plenty of benefits for drinking fizzy or bubbly water. The advantages of drinking sparkling water are numerous for employees.

So, if carbonation is that important in this regard, then it is equally significant that the carbonation is regulated as much as possible.

A Sparkling Water Machine for Office with adequate regulation features is what you should be looking for. Any water dispensing unit that lacks such features may not be fit for an office environment. That is because the level of carbonation required by one employee may not be the same as what another one needs.


Power Consumption

The amount of power a sparkling water machine for office will need to produce carbonated water is also an important factor. This should be considered since you intend to use the unit in an office space.

Check whether the machine will need to be connected to power before it can work. Is it something that works with carbon dioxide cartridges or it can function with rechargeable batteries? You need to check all the options to see which one is more suitable for your office, that is, after putting together all the cost.


The Amount of Space Needed

The amount of space needed for a sparkling water machine for office must be looked into. Carbonated water makers are designed in various sizes. Some are much bigger than others.

Of course, you may be looking for a bigger size of sparkling water maker if the members of staff are large. But, you also need to assess the amount of space where you intend to position the dispensing unit.

The space you have is what will determine whether you need a big-sized, tall kind of dispenser. Otherwise, you won’t have any choice but to go for a dispensing unit that will not occupy too much space.



The level of maintenance needed to keep a sparkling water machine for office in a functional state should be considered before settling for any product.

The best sparkling water dispensers ought to be easy to clean. Buying a water dispensing unit that is difficult to maintain may not be the best option for any office environment. Employees can be too busy to bother themselves with such responsibilities.

Therefore, you can either get a unit that needs basic cleaning to function optimally or get a sophisticated machine that will require professional cleaning. Recall that you need some money to secure the help of a professional to clean unit from time to time. It is good to factor those costs because it will influence the company’s budget.


Multiple Filters

Sparkling water making machines with multiple filters seem to be the best pick for sparkling water machine for office. They appear to be the best choice because they ensure the cleanest form of sparkling water due to their multiple filters.

It is important that employees remain as healthy as possible. They cannot afford to be down for any reason. Even if they have to be sick, it should not be a regular occurrence.

This is why they must drink clean water all the time. The more filters a sparkling water making machine has, the healthier that water will be. So, you can opt for such systems as opposed to buying one that has a single filter system.


User Experience

Some sparkling water dispensers offer a worrisome user experience even though they are meant for offices. It is hard to get the best out of a sparkling water dispenser that is difficult to operate. That is because it is normal for employees to stop using such systems.

Sparkling water machine for office are made up of simple and sophisticated systems. If you ask me, there is no need buying a water dispensing unit that is hard to operate. The normal thing is for everyone to access water in the easiest and most stress-free manner.



Durability is one attribute you need to consider when looking for the best sparkling water machine for office. You need an extremely durable system that can work for a long time. The system should be so strong that even when you move it about, it won’t break down.

It has to be rugged enough to withstand the number of people using the system. Because if you consider only aesthetics and beauty, you may be disappointed eventually. So, durability is just as important as any of the factors we have discussed above. Even small-sized offices can do with a durable water dispensing system.


Final Words

There could be other factors one may need to look into when going to buy a sparkling water machine for office. While most of the factors have been discussed here, others could also be involved. An office environment should always have access to clean, drinkable water. Fortunately, there are many sparkling water dispensing units in the market that can boast the above features. You need to search for those machines in the right places. If possible, buy from an outlet that can guarantee some discounts. Be sure to get optimal productivity from your staff when they live a healthy life.


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